Collect Bloomberg data
You can add Bloomberg chat and email files to a collection. When collecting these files, you specify the folder that contains a Bloomberg archive. While the system collects Bloomberg data from a single folder, you can include multiple archives under that folder.
To narrow the collection to a specific timeline, filter Bloomberg data by a specified date range. You can also filter and remove the noise-only transactions that occur when an attendee does not participate in the Bloomberg chat. For example, noise occurs where a participant entered and left without participating, or the participant’s chat is only a disclaimer. If all the participants entered and left the chat without participating, a message "Noise removed, no other content available" displays in the chat body.
For Bloomberg chats that last more than a day, the system creates a separate document for every 24 hour increment. To find all documents that comprise a chat spanning more than a day, use Search Builder to find documents with the Room ID during the dates of the chat.